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Tall and Rush - A Gravity-Defying Adventure

Tall and Rush is a cooperative 3D platformer built in Unity that emphasizes teamwork and overcoming challenges through unique asymmetrical gameplay.


Tall: A slow-moving, towering character with incredible reach and strength.
Rush: A nimble and fast-paced character with limited jumping ability.


Levels are designed with obstacles and puzzles that require both characters to work together.
Tall can activate switches, break platforms, and reach high areas that Rush cannot.
Rush can squeeze through tight spaces, activate pressure plates, and scout ahead for dangers.
Communication and coordination are key to success.

Key Features:

  • Asymmetrical Gameplay: Each character has unique strengths and weaknesses, requiring players to rely on each other's skills.
  • Cooperative Focus: The game emphasizes teamwork and communication for overcoming challenges.
  • 3D Platforming: Utilize movement and jumping skills to navigate levels.
  • Puzzle Solving: Solve environmental puzzles and activate mechanisms that require both characters' abilities.
  • Replicability: Different levels and challenges encourage multiple playthroughs.
  • Unity Engine: Built with Unity for accessibility and potential cross-platform compatibility.


  • Fun characters, obstacles, and beautiful environments
  • Easy to design new level or edit. Just clone and drag elements
  • Skin shop with 9 beautiful outfits
  • Smooth gameplay
  • Admob ready to show AD
  • Character skin progress system


Requirements :
Unity free license version 2020 or later
macOS and Xcode for building iOS

Current version –
Unity 2020.3.11f1

Contact us on Skype for technical help
Skype ID: Gameosophy

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